Friday, September 18, 2015


Sometimes I wonder if whoever wrote up these descriptions in the Playboy Channel
Guides, had even watched what they were trying to describe.  Let me see if I can be a 
little more accurate with my own description in this episode of Playboy's Fantasies. 
"Playmate Barbara Edwards has an itch that needs to be scratched, and if you want to
be the one to scratch that itch, you'll have to play her "Game". Playmate and eternal 
Hooters girl.....Lynn Austin......has high "Expectations" for the date she getting ready
for.  An island hottie, needs to get leied". Ok, ok......maybe I'm no good at it either. But
at least I've watched what I was describing, and it's nothing short of  exotic and erotic.
All in this  1987 airing of the Playboy Fantasies episode titled........